Board Of Trustees
They are a group of brothers and sisters with various skills working to support the statutory requirements of the Sanctuary, the Charity Commission and the U. K. Government. They present an annual account and summary of activities for the church's calendar year. The Board is presently made up of four members.
The church runs a small bookshop where members can purchase books, bibles and other audio –visual materials to support their growth in Christ. Material can also be ordered upon request.
Church Administrative Office
The Church office handles all the day to day activities of the Sanctuary. Apart from the staff, volunteers also help with work from time to time as the need arises. The church office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 5pm except on Bank holidays
This group ministers the word of God in drama. Jesus spoke many parables to explain great spiritual truths. He used audio-visual messages to speak the word of God in the language that even children could understand. The aim and goal of this group is to bring the message of the cross to the level of every person cutting across age, race, sex, denominations and religious persuasions using drama, plays, recitations and dance.
The evangelism team is open to all ages with a crack team of individuals passionate about sharing the gospel by one to one preaching, tract distribution and various expressions of outreach both indoors and outdoors. We partner with local and international groups carry out this first phase towards 'making disciples' as commanded: Mark 16:15 KJV And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature….. We meet fortnightly to go out to preach and run a service at the faith zone in Stratford Westfield shopping Centre. We actively work with the setting up of new parish as has occurred in Harlow, Liverpool, Kent for example and supported our parishes once established such as in Cyprus. We trust God to do likewise for Sri Lanka.
We are responsible for the collections - tithes, offering, etc. We collate the monies for banking, produce a collection report for accounting and audit purposes ensuring that collection envelopes have the necessary information. We serve in an advisory role in finance matters. We pray for the givers, those not able to give and for the proper administration of the funds.
Follow Up
In the Great Commission, Jesus did not simply tell His apostles to baptise, He wanted them to follow-up those who were baptised and make disciples of them. Mathew 28: 19-20. Too often, once people are won over for Christ, they are left to simply drift, and in many cases they drift back in to the world or into a state of apathy about their devotion and service to the Lord. At the Sanctuary, the follow-up team was created and mandated to promote love, friendship, and kindness among all church members. We offer and provide timely support of any kind to every member of the church in need. We aim to create a spirit of oneness and togetherness among the people in and out of the church and to prevent this drifting away among new or old members. We make visitors feel welcome, and support new members in becoming fully integrated into church life.
Hospitality /Sanitation/Decor
We are a group of men and women who like the deacons in Acts Chapter 6:1-7 serve the tables, clean and decorate the church. We do this so that our ministers can concentrate on the ministry of the word and prayer. We cater for the needs of the church members and guests at all times and in every season. Like Phillip may we be called out of the kitchen to join with the chariot of the Ethiopian eunuch who read scriptures but did not understand what he read. Phillip preached to the eunuch and baptised him. Acts 8:26-39
The department is the church unit whose activities include intercession for the church universal, the nation, the local assembly and individual needs. It is a place to serve and grow in the ministry of prayer. The department is also positioned to take the lead in the prayer programs of the parish. We meet on Fridays 8.00pm.
This department includes the Church Choir – The Sanctuary Voices and all the musicians. We are a group of individuals who are passionate about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through music and songs. We also encourage believers in their walk with Christ, and lead the congregation in high praise and worship. The department provides an avenue through which individuals may share their gift and be an integral part of the worship of our God. To join us you must: - Have a heart for worship - Possess basic Skills and Knowledge of singing - Be self-motivated and be passionate about music as a form of ministry. We meet every Friday at 8pm and Every First Saturday of the month at 6pm. Get Involved!
Sunday School Teachers
This is a group of dedicated members (men and women) who teach the bible lessons from the RCCG Sunday school manual every Sunday. The church runs four classes at the moment with an additional class run by the Pastor for university under and post graduate students.
The technical department is the nerve centre of the church. We bring together various events and activities of the church by ensuring a wonderful audio-visual worship experience at all church services and programs. We are committed to ensuring a fulfilled time in the presence of our Maker. We are responsible for all audio and video Production for the church.
An usher is a church representative who plays a significant role in the smooth running of the church by ensuring that the church is ready for any worship service. The usher is also there to provide timely information for church members and visitors. Ushers are people of integrity, who are well established in the word of God and above all, willing to serve in the house of God. “Not in the way of eye-service (as if they were watching you) and only to please men, but as servants (Slaves) of Christ, doing the will of God heartily and with your whole soul; Rendering service readily with goodwill, as to the lord and not to men Ephesians 6:6-7” You must have a personal relationship with God, having accepted Jesus Christ as your personal lord and saviour. “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand (anywhere else); I would rather be a doorkeeper (Usher) and stand at the threshold in the house of my God than to dwell (at ease) in the tents of wickedness.” Psalm 84:10.