The MOD Fellowship is the place to find other men who are interested in celebrating the fellowship God intends for us, and men who live and experience the same challenges of being a man in today's busy world.
The group meets on a monthly basis and hosts an annual Men's conference, breakfast meeting and a Men's Fellowship Weekend retreat, with events including fun activities and spiritual enrichment workshop.
We believe in Men being the best as God intended. Our core values include honesty, integrity, zeal, humility, commitment, excellence and righteousness IN CHRIST. Our main goal is the restoration of the family to God’s original intentions.
Our goals are to:
Lead the women folk to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
Ensure that all women have a genuine contact with the Lord
Ensure that all women have a genuine salvation experience resulting in a personal and functional relationship with Him
Disciple every woman after the pattern of Christ with the end result of "becoming like" Jesus in all things. (Matt 11:28-30)
Teach Women to be keepers of their homes. (Titus 2:3-5).
To train our daughters/maidens to become godly wives and mothers raising godly seeds for future generations.
We are pleased to welcome the youth of all ages to join our Sunday morning services, and older youth from ages 16 to join our Afternoon services on Sunday, where we learn about our God and saviour Jesus Christ in a loving environment. Events in our youth ministry include; Wednesday bible study, street evangelism, works of charity and an annual retreat.
Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the Kingdom of heaven.” Matthew19:14.
Therefore our vision is to nurture children (aged 3 to 12 years) into a saving, loving and serving relationship with Jesus Christ. We aim to help them develop a walk with the Lord, a faith in Him and discover their gifts, talents and calling in order to help build the Kingdom of God on earth.
The Elders fellowship is for people aged 45 and above. The main goal of this ministry is to meet the spiritual, social, and economic needs of all members.
This will enable the all-round development of spiritually sound elders who will make an impact in the church of God and society at large.
We meet at least once a month in church, while ensuring that the well-being of members is paramount.
It is a place where new friendships are built, old friendships are strengthened and people of like-minds and purpose come together to encourage one another in ways which are not limited to spirituality.
The challenges of single life are discussed and God's purpose for marriage is taught in both formal and informal settings.